Se på karta
Växjövägen 2733142 Värnamo
Södra viktoriagatan 48-5241130 Göteborg
Kapellplatsen 3-641131 Göteborg
Södra viktoriagatan 4441130 Göteborg

4.5 (4)

Föreningsgatan 1341127 Göteborg
Värmlandsgatan 1941328 Göteborg

ABC All About Children is a bilingual English/Swedish-speaking preschool dedicated to providing quality child care. We believe that children learn best while actively engaged with the materials, as well as the relationships surrounding them. We work according to the Swedish Curriculum, Lpfö revised, as well as the HighScope approach. We offer children an educational environment and an opportunity outside the home to develop a creative and constructive attitude towards themselves, others and the world. ABC recognises that the best education takes place in a warm and accepting, yet challenging, environment. All of ABC’s policies are directed towards recognising each child's uniqueness and developing their full potential. Through a developmentally appropriate programme, anchored in research and proven practice, we focus on intrinsic motivation, executive function, conflict resolution and positive social emotional growth. Literacy, science, maths, science, technology, physical development, creative arts and social studies are just a few of the core competencies covered on a daily basis. By respecting each child’s unique individuality, using multi-cultural and anti-bias resources, the children will learn about themselves, their community and the world. Our aim is to support each individual child to grow into confident and inquisitive adults instilled with a life-long love for learning.

Engelbrektsgatan 141127 Göteborg

På Victoriaskolan håller vi kunskapslusten i centrum. Vi vet att kunskapslusten trivs bäst i trygghet, i förvissningen om att Du är sedd och omtyckt: en trygghet som gör att Du som elev vill och vågar. Vi vill ge Dig mer och bredare kunskap. Vi vill att Du ska trivas och känna glädje. Lusten att lära är nyckeln till kunskap för oss på Victoriaskolan.

Sven Hultins gata 9C41258 Göteborg
Karl gustavsgatan 22B41125 Göteborg
Änggårdsplatsen 1041319 Göteborg
Pontus wiknersgatan 441132 Göteborg
Rektorsgatan 241133 Göteborg