Se på karta
Växjögatan 19B25251 Helsingborg
Norra hagtornsgatan 2125661 Helsingborg
Linköpingsgatan 925250 Helsingborg
Juligatan 425661 Helsingborg
Kvarnstensgatan 1925227 Helsingborg

Sustainable Packaging Solutions Nordic AB is a company managed by personnel with many years of experience within the FIBC and packaging industry. Generally, we are striving to implement a more environmentally friendly, sustainable and customer cost effective handling in the FIBC field. With partners/producers fulfilling all demands set by market, regulations and with latest modern equipment, we stand strong as a reliable supplier of big bags supporting your valuable products.

Malmögatan 1125249 Helsingborg
Linbastagatan 125422 Helsingborg
Gåsebäcksvägen 2025227 Helsingborg
Ramlösavägen 9125656 Helsingborg
Ramlösavägen 9125656 Helsingborg
Kvarnstensgatan 1525227 Helsingborg
Östra Vallgatan 1525434 Helsingborg
Bredgatan 2525225 Helsingborg
Trädgårdsgatan 525224 Helsingborg
Cindersgatan 1625225 Helsingborg
Vildrosgatan 4325459 Helsingborg