Elektrogatan 1017154 Solna

Mersen’s primary objective is to create value for customers. With our-depth market knowledge and close customer relationships, we can capture future trends and support industrial businesses in our markets.

Industrigatan 1536442 Lenhovda

Schunk Carbon Technolgy är Schunk-gruppens produktions- och marknadsbolag för den nordiska marknaden.Verksamheten är koncentrerad till småländska Lenhovda nordöst om Växjö där företaget renoverar och reparerar strömavtagare till tåg och spårvagnar.

Stockviksvägen 2085467 Sundsvall

Our company has explored the physical and geographical frontiers of its markets. In the late 1970s, this pioneering approach led to the invention of a new, patented furnace technology that revolutionized our product range and transformed the company (until then, graphite was mainly processed from natural mineral resources or the re-crushing of spent electrodes). We were the first to manufacture graphite on a continuous basis using proprietary technology.

Källebacksvägen 955475 Jönköping