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internationell organisation 

gav 13 företag inom detta område

Bryggargatan 12A11121 Stockholm

We promote knowledge of the German language abroad and foster international cultural cooperation. We convey a comprehensive image of Germany by providing information about cultural, social and political life in our nation. Our cultural and educational programmes encourage intercultural dialogue and enable cultural involvement. They strengthen the development of structures in civil society and foster worldwide mobility.


Fredsborgsgatan 2411743 Stockholm

Läkare Utan Gränser är en medicinsk humanitär organisation som räddar liv och lindrar nöd där vi behövs mest. Vi bistår människor som drabbats av kriser, krig och naturkatastrofer oavsett politisk åsikt, religion eller etnisk tillhörighet. #nl#

Odlarvägen 4B19565 Steningehöjden

Nordic Climate Initiative is a non-Governmental Swedish organisation with a value proposition whereby individuals with an interest in the Agro-Forestry, Borehole drilling, Renewable energy, Agriculture, Toxicological Assessment & Waste Management value chain are accommodated. We are mainly dedicated and focused on providing services to developing countries mainly Africa, The middle East and others with or less access to modern and advanced methods and solutions suitable for the 21st century.


Gamlestadsvägen 241511 Göteborg
Chalmers tvärgata 841258 Göteborg
Borgmästargatan 1111629 Stockholm