Om Imerys Mineral AB

Profile, business model, core business, sites.. all the key information about Imerys, the world leader in mineral specialties for industry.


The world leader in mineral-based specialties for industry, Imerys delivers high value-added, functional solutions to a great number of sectors, from processing industries to consumer goods and building products.

The Group draws on its knowledge of applications, scientific expertise and technological know-how to offer solutions beneficiating its mineral resources, produce synthetic minerals and develop formulations. Imerys thus contributes essential properties to customers’ products and performance, such as refractoriness, hardness, conductivity, opacity, durability, purity, lightness, filtration, absorption and repellency.

Imerys meets ambitious criteria for responsible development, regarding social, environmental or corporate governance.

Business model

Imerys is a world leader with unique advantages. Present around the world, the Group serves a wide range of markets whose demand is evenly balanced between consumer spending and corporate investment. Nearly half of our businesses currently target "growth markets", meaning emerging countries and high potential end markets.

Our specialty minerals are formulated to respond to the precise and demanding needs of our industrial customers. We therefore set our prices according to the value-added and service provided while striving to maintain our leadership positions. The development in our range of products and services is the cornerstone of our profitability and guarantees a good level of cash-flow generation.

This profitable and solid growth model means we are completely confident of the Group’s capacity to continue its development in the coming years.

Business groups

Active in over 50 countries, with 250 industrial locations, Imerys is the world leader in mineral-based specialties for industry. Using sophisticated technical processes Imerys transforms a large variety of minerals into high value specialty products. Bringing heat resistance, mechanical strength, conductivity, coverage or barrier effect, these specialties add essential features to its customers’ products or manufacturing processes in many industries such as consumer goods, industrial equipment and construction.

Imerys serves the newest industries, such as plastics or solar power, but also more traditional industries such as ceramics and paintings. Imerys’ mineral specialties are used in a great number of applications.

Imerys is organized into four business groups, centered on clearly identified markets.

- Energy Solutions & Specialties (30% of Group's consolidated revenue)

- Filtration & Performance Additives (27%)

- Ceramic Materials (29%)

- High Resistance Minerals (14%)


Imerys invests significant resources in research: 350 scientists, 10 main centers in Europe, the United States and Japan, and 25 regional laboratories to develop solutions tailored to each customer and collaborations with research institutes and universities.

Imerys works to increase its sales on growth markets and is aligning its research and innovation portfolio accordingly. Innovation is an integral part of Imerys's strategy and is a key element of the Group’s internal growth.

Generating internal growth through innovation is the role assigned to Research & Development (R&D) teams who design new processes, technologies and products, and to the marketing teams who keep constant watch over markets, their growth and the opportunities for the Group’s minerals. The starting point for the Imerys Group’s innovation approach is to understand our customers’ businesses and solve their technical problems, but also to meet their expectations and anticipate their needs.

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  • Imerys Mineral AB Malmer, industrimineraler, Västerås - 1
  • Imerys Mineral AB Malmer, industrimineraler, Västerås - 2
  • Imerys Mineral AB Malmer, industrimineraler, Västerås - 3
  • Imerys Mineral AB Malmer, industrimineraler, Västerås - 4
  • Imerys Mineral AB Malmer, industrimineraler, Västerås - 5
  • Imerys Mineral AB Malmer, industrimineraler, Västerås - 6
  • Imerys Mineral AB Malmer, industrimineraler, Västerås - 7
  • Imerys Mineral AB Malmer, industrimineraler, Västerås - 8

Imerys Mineral AB, Företagsinformation

Officiell information

Juridiskt namnImerys Mineral AB
Datum för upprättande22.07.1965
Omsättn.intervall100000 - 499999
F-skattJa, registrerad för F-skatt
Registrerad för momsJa
SNI-bransch20130 Tillverkning av andra oorganiska baskemikalier, 08120 Utvinning av sand, grus och berg; utvinning av lera och kaolin, 23999 Diverse övrig tillverkning av icke-metalliska mineraliska produkter, 46731 Partihandel med virke och andra byggmaterial

Exekutiva befattningar/Administration

Cyril Charles Pierre GiraudOrdförande
Dominic ReisVerkställande direktör
Dominic ReisLedamot
Cyril Charles Pierre GiraudLedamot
Ylva Margaretha SundwallLedamot
Robert Erik ViklundHuvudansvarig revisor